Movie Star Eyes

{June 4, 2010}   I can see me…

I can see myself on the beach, living in a little beach house, writing all day and even into the night, stepping outside to get some fresh air and inspiration.  I can see the windows open, letting in the light and the salty ocean air, the curtains blowing gently in the soft breaze that comes in over the ocean.  I can see a storm coming, dark clouds moving in, thunder in the distance, lightening on the horizon.  I can smell the rain coming, and it’s coming in fast.  I can see me standing on the beach, in the said, my face whipped back from my face as the rain comes, my face tilted up when the first drops fall.  I can see myself getting drenched because I stayed standing in the rain on the beach instead of going inside.

I could live like that…

et cetera