Movie Star Eyes

In case you missed it, here’s a link to my entry for the “Breaking the Rules” Blog Fest.  It plays a part in this blog.

As I was typing the first two pages of the story for the blogfest, I thought about how much better I could do, and what a good story it could actually make.  Last night, I decided to read through the whole thing, because I couldn’t really remember what it was all about.  It was bad, as you can imagine.  lol  A friend of mine told me the other day, “There’s a reason ten-year-olds don’t get published.”  There certainly is.  LOL  Anyway, I’m not ten anymore, and I still have a bit of a feel for where the story was going, as well as the new ideas that I got last night.  So, I officially have a new writing project on the fantasy side.  Yay me!  Add that to the current WIPs that I’m editing right now, well, my plate is a little full.  If I miss a couple blogging days in a row, now you know why.  LOL  I’ll try to keep up, though.  You know what would help?  Those writing word count ticker things that everyone seems to have on their blog pages.  HOW DO I GET THOSE!  Those are freaking cool!  lol  If someone could tell me how to find one of those, I would be much appreciative.  =)

et cetera